Official Website of VIMÖ / OII Austria

Since 2014 VIMÖ is the Austrian national association of intersex people. We are a member organisation Organisation Intersex International (OII) and their branch OII Europe.

We work for political and social change to improve the situation of intersex people in Austria. For that reason we are part of the Plattform Intersex Österreich, a networking platform consisting of paedagogic, therapeutic, journalistic and legal experts.

With our help and information center VARGES we offer peer support for intersex people and their families and educational trainings for professionals and organisations:

We want intersex to be no longer taboo and pathologized – we work for an inter*inclusive world.

Feel free to contact us!

If you are looking for information about intersex in english or other languages, please visit the resources section on the website of OII Europe or their project Intervisibility (more than 20 languages available)

If you want to learn more about our activities, please read our annual reports:

annual report 2023

annual report 2022

Unfortunately, the annual reports before 2022 are only available in german. If you want to have a look please continue reading at Über Uns.

If you want to support our work, please feel free to donate!

This is possible both on our facebook page (via credit card/paypal or e.g. birthday fundraiser) and via bank transfer:

IBAN: AT02 3473 2000 0019 4258